Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Kallin
Oh how this sweet boy helps me to be a better mom!!  Because of his ever curious nature, fear of nothing, and very strong desire to test ALL boundaries I am learning patience and long suffering.  I know this may come off sounding negative but that is not how I mean it.  Not at all.  This boy is teaching me to be more like Christ every day.  He is bringing our the best in me!  To that, I will forever be grateful.  My favorite things about Kal as he turns 4 is:

His sweet snuggles in the morning.  He loves to get in bed with us when he wakes up.
His "go go go" nature.
Loving to help me cook.
How focused his is when he has a job to do.
Loving to be outside regardless of the weather conditions.
He is a great story teller.
How he idolizes Avery. . .she can do no wrong in his eyes.
Hid love/hate relationship with Lincoln.
EVERYTHING can be made into a weapon.
He gives the best kisses and hugs.
Hearing him sing.

What a blessing he has been in our home.  We feel all our kids are miracles, each with their own story.  Kal was one of our last two frozen embryos for our final frozen embryo transfer.  One of the embryos did not survive the thawing process.  He did.  In our previous 4 attempts I would get pregnant but could not stay pregnant  We fully expected to get pregnant but would not stay pregnant.  When we did, to say we were surprised, is an understatement!  From the start he has kept us on our toes.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  LOVE.

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